Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Catching up...

I am sitting here typing this late at night, after everyone else is asleep because it seem like that is the only free time I have left in the world.  We are really busy now and it seems like the days are just flying by.  Chris is in the middle of his Chinese Language Class and boy, that is something else... For those of you that know him, you know he is not one to study for any test...well I am here to tell you, studying is ALL that man does now-a-days.  He eats, drinks, and sleeps Chinese.  And to help him, we have made flash cards, downloaded every app, burned cd's for the car, and we even have several Disney movies in mandarin Chinese. It's funny because he is working so hard at it, he even speaks Chinese in his sleep.
Meanwhile, Adriane and Samantha are in school.  It starts ridiculously early here, and I am NOT a fan, but they are doing really well.  They get up early every morning around 5:45 because the bus comes at 6:35 every morning.  They are troopers.
Darryl stays home with Amillia and I, and we are starting to do pre-school a little here and there.  He already knows most of his colors and some shapes.  pretty good for a 2 yr old. 
Amillia is 4 months now, and laughing and smiling all the time.  She is such a good baby, and so cute that she steals all the attention wherever we go.  Random people in the store stop me to tell me how adorable she is...but i already know! She just started to use her hands and grab things, so we are in the mode of keeping everything away from her so she won't put it in her mouth.  She is also sleeping through the night which is a huge blessing. 
 I am staying super busy with Amillia and Darryl.  It seems like all I do is follow Darryl around with a broom or something, because I am always cleaning up a mess. Also I was recently called as the primary secretary and i have loved it so far, because i finally was able to meet new interesting people that i can be friends with.  they are really fun, and we have started to do fun things with them and their families.  And we have really enjoyed getting to know them.
We are finally starting to get used to living out here now.  It's very different than what we are used to and call home, but there are fun and cool things to do, and we are making the most of it, and having a good time.