Monday, September 6, 2010


We have had alot happen in just a month, I just can't believe it! Our camera is broken, so pictures are slim to none, because i have to take them with my phone. Anyway, our darling Adriane has started school! She is in the morning class, and her teacher is Mrs. Norton. We were so lucky to get her, and Adrie is just having a blast. I love taking her to school every morning and watching her run so fast with her giant backpack bouncing around on her back. She likes to pack it with the funniest things too, like the first day she took 5 bottles of water in case she got thirsty, the next day she took a straw cup because 5 bottles of water was too heavy, and then the next day she took a bag of doughnuts. She just cracks me up.
Samantha is doing preschool at home with me, (sometimes we just go to the brew store, because she already knows her colors, shapes, numbers, and letters).
Little Darryl hit a milestone this last week as well...he is mobile! He started crawling on Friday, and every time i put him down, he gets a little bit better. he is crawling like a champ now!
Chris has just left to go to SFAS (special forces assesment and selection). he has been training all year for this and i hope it pays off. He has to be gone for 3 weeks of torture and brutality. They are testing physical and mental stamina for any signs of weakness, and I know alot of men break under the pressure, I am really nervous for him, I hope he does really well. I know he will be sore when he gets home. Other that, I think we are caught up...